A Letter from MG

We couldn't be happier to share this news with you first—our early subscribers and friends from the beginning. We love you.

If we've learned anything, it's that there's no roadmap for something like Miss Grass. No street signs. No brightly colored tape. That navigating the world of content, e-commerce and cannabis is a wild ride.

So thank you for your patience. And for being here to celebrate launch!

Inspiration for Miss Grass struck some (super)moons ago. Along each of our winding ways, we were surrounded by fearless women. We dreamed dreams and moved cities. Lost elections and changed jobs. Marched angrily and fell in love. (Just like you.)

What we’re sharing today is not only a product of these experiences but our truest reflection of the times—an elevated magazine and shop for women, cannabis and good living. We share stories about the women who inspire us. And curate products for the women who define us.

These women are not all cannabis users. But they are all advocates of a more honest conversation around what it means to come as we are, to practice self-care, to undo our top buttons, and to strike a balance between it all. Miss Grass is an authentic representation of this modern woman.

From session basics to fitness, beauty to smoking etiquette, the war on drugs to healing lube, infused recipes to Mercury’s retrograde, we hope Miss Grass can be your trusted and benevolent guide.

We can't wait to hear from you, to share your stories and to be together.

Welcome to the high road—this one's for you.

With love + bud,